(763) 237-3032


Got Questions?

We’ve Got Answers

Are reservations required to stay at The Chase?

We require a reservation in advance of your pet’s boarding visit. We book up very quickly during summer months and over holidays so please make reservations at least two weeks in advance.

What vaccinations are required for my pet to visit The Chase?

Dogs must be current on the following vaccinations:

  • DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvo, Parainfluenza)
  • Rabies
  • Bordetella (Kennel Cough)
  • Current tick and flea protection from April–October

Records of these immunizations will be kept in your profile in our online portal.

Does my pet have to be spayed or neutered to visit The Chase?
We do not require dogs to be spayed or neutered, however we highly recommend it to help control accidental litters and the euthanization of millions of healthy dogs.

Females in heat are not allowed to return to the facility until 2 weeks post-cycle, freshly bathed.

Can we get a tour of the facility?
Yes! We love to give tours to the family and let you see where the dogs mingle, sleep and play. We typically give tours at the start of every evaluation. 
What should I bring for my dog's day of Daycare?
All we will need is your pup on a leash. You are welcome to bring a lunch if you would like them to eat during our down time.
What should I bring for my dog’s Hotel Visit?
At The Chase, we typically recommend bringing whichever items you think your dog will be most comfortable with during their stay. We highly recommend for you to bring the following items for your dog’s stay:

  • Food
  • Needed medications (preferably in original bottle displaying directions)
  • Their favorite bed and/or blanket
What are the benefits of Dog Daycare?

Dog daycare is both beneficial to the pups and the owners! Having your dog attend daycare gives them great socialization skills and confidence around other dogs. Dog Daycare also gives you, the owner, the confidence that when you get home your dog has been well exercised all day and ready for a relaxing evening.

Can I watch my dog while at The Chase?

Yes! We Snapchat the dogs playing all day. You can follow us @thechasedogclub